Monday 11 March 2013

Author no more

It was tremendous fun trying to be an author.  Publishing my first book was an amazing experience.  Selling copies of it in the UK, USA, Denmark, France, Spain, India, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Italy and Canada was exciting and it's a good feeling knowing that I've created something that managed to spread around the world.

However, it is (was) just a hobby and life is busy and challenging on its own, what with a new job and new responsibilities, as well as training for a marathon!  The sequel to the book bombed, partly because 2nd time round, I couldn't find the time to market or advertise.

So I've decided to leave the hobby, at least until I retire.  I gave it my best shot and had some fleeting thoughts of 'what would it be like if this goes global?' etc.  Hope springs eternal.

So, if you bought my book, I send you my thanks and I hope it gave you  some enjoyment. The sequel is out there.........

Over and out! :D D Shaw 11/3/13

Saturday 8 December 2012

The desolate tree

I was out walking the dog this morning and took this photo of a near-dead tree.

I was thinking about its life and was inspired to write a poem about it, entitled 'The desolate tree'

The desolate tree


Here I stand, a desolate tree.

My life left behind me,

My once strong branches, fragile and weak

My skin of bark, once so protective,

Faded away by the passage of time.

My friends; all gone, fallen in battle,

No birds nest within the safety of my leaves,

Insects no longer inhabit my bough.

I think my time is nearly up.

One more strong gust of wind and I’ll be gone.


But do not pity, this desolate tree.

When the mists come, I can imagine life as it was

I overflowed with life,

My acorns carried off by birds to far flung places,

My seeds  creating life anew

Birds singing me songs of thanks from their nests,

My friends and I stretching upwards, year on year,

Striving for the sunlight and drinking the rain.

We all swayed together in the wind;

An unbreakable brotherhood


So when the end comes, for this desolate tree

Remember me as I was,

Not as I am today.

 Let the mists come, let the wind blow.

And when the sun shines again,

I shall be a desolate tree no more.

D Shaw 8/12/12

Monday 5 November 2012

This Place - a poem

Yesterday, I decided to turn my hand to poetry, writing a piece called 'This Place'.

This Place
What is it about this place that holds me still and steady?
That makes my well travelled feet grow roots of their own,
That makes the mariner within me head for the harbour,
That calms my mind in times of trouble.
I think I know.
What is it about this place that shows me beauty in all I see?
The fresh growth of Spring; the warm golden sands of Summer,
The autumn leaves in all their glory,
The simple clarity of Winter's crisp, white snow.
I think I know.
What is it about this place that is with me wherever I go?
From the highest peak to the deepest valley,
From the Western seas to the Eastern shores,
From the frozen Northern forests to the deserts of the South.
I think I know.
What is it about this place that makes me feel supported and secure?
So strong that no other man has any chance of taking it from me,
So definite that I will protect all those dear to me, at all costs,
So certain that I know my dreams will be fulfilled.
I think I know.
So, what is it about this place?
I think I know.
This place is my heart.
This place is you.

D J Shaw 4/11/2012.

Dedicated to my wife.

Saturday 3 November 2012

That difficult 2nd novel....

Hi everyone! :)

It was with much excitement that, a few weeks ago, I decided to self-publish my second novel, Worlds of Wonder.  The novel is a sequel to The 13th Doorway, released earlier this year.

Now, The 13th Doorway has sold really well (in my view), with over 4000 downloads, including downloads using the free offer.  It got a number of 5* reviews on amazon and in addition to that, many people told me they loved it and they were looking forward to the sequel.

I loved writing the sequel - the actual process of writing was easier this time around.  I had a basic storyline planned; although, as is my way, the story just took on a life of its own at times and I just went with it.  The end product was given to two beta reviewers who both said it was better than the first one.  As the author of both, I tended to agree.  There is, in my opinion, a bit more substance to Worlds of Wonder and the story whizzes along at a good pace.

So, mid-October came along and I got ready to publish.  I knew there wouldn't exactly be a rush on the new book, but I was confidently expecting steady sales for the first month at least.  I used the same marketing tools as last time; namely Facebook and Twitter, that's all I've got! 

It was quite disappointing to see only a few sales in the first week.  I was a little downhearted that when I put my books on a free offer, The 13th Doorway vastly outsold Worlds of Wonder.  As an author new to all this, I was desperately searching for a solution and a way to increase sales, or even just increase free downloads.  I thought it odd that every time I put The 13th Doorway on for free, it hits the top 10 in no time; Worlds of Wonder only got in the 30s.  I changed the title a little bit, I republished and I kept the self-promotion going. 

Now, in the first few days of November, The 13th Doorway is still selling; Worlds of Wonder hasn't even sold a copy, anywhere in the world. 

Here are possible reasons:
It hasn't got a proper cover yet - one is being drawn for me at the moment.  They say a good cover sells a book.  They might be right.

There are already 100s of books out there with Worlds of Wonder as part of their title.  The 13th Doorway is unique.  This could be something to watch out for as you publish your own novels; is your title unique?

It's just not very good.  I would happily accept that if it was the case; alas, I have no reviews yet.  Even a 1* review is better than none at all.

I'm not downhearted about it anymore though - it's something that I'm proud to have written. Sales may, or may not, pick up, and that's ok.  I have a job already and this is just a hobby; a hobby that makes me happy!  I've now invented four brand new worlds; I can see my characters going about their daily business even as I type this.  And I will finish the trilogy - the final part will see an epic battle, mostly set on Earth, as the time of the Prostatum begins to draw to a close. 

Why did I post this?  Well, there are probably many other authors out there who have experienced something similar; they have been a bit downhearted over their work, or their sales.  My message to you if you are in that position - just keep plugging away.  'There will be water if God wills it', as Stephen King is fond of writing.

D Shaw 03/11/2012

Follow this link to see all 13th Doorway books.

Wednesday 11 July 2012

Indie authors -the Amazon KDP deal - it works!

This is going to be quite a short blog as all I want to do today is sing the praises of the KDP deal available on amazon.

The deal is this:  If you allow the electronic copy of your book to be available exclusively to amazon  for 90 days, you get to promote it for free for 5 days.

Promote it for free?  You might be thinking that seems a bit ridiculous - why give your book away for free when you've spent hours and hours and days and months putting your heart and soul into it?

Since I released my book, The 13th Doorway, in January, I have used the KDP three times - you can automatically enrol yourself to 'restart' the deal every 90 days.

Sales for me sometimes slow down, sometimes to about one a day.  That's when this KDP deal really works its magic.

I put my book on amazon for free and send links round Twitter and Facebook.  People start downloading the book.  From sales of one a day, suddenly it's 100 a day.  Does it matter that they are not paying?  Not one bit.  The book is getting out there, some will read it, some might not.  Think about the future - if the first book in a series is given away for free, then people will hopefully be willing to pay for the second one and any future releases. 

But that's not all.  EVERY SINGLE TIME I use the KDP deal, actual monetary sales increase significantly - word of mouth is a marvellous thing.  Over 600 people downloaded my book in the past 5 days for free....and when it went back to being 77p, people are still buying it....not at the rate of one a day, but about 15 a day.  I am getting sales I would NEVER have managed if it wasn't for the amazon deal.

Convinced yet?  At over 3000 downloads in 6 months (not a lot in the big scheme of things but I'm happy), the free deal has been responsible for most of them, either directly as free downloads or indirectly as people purchase the book when the deal is over. 

My advice:  Every indie author with slow sales figures should give it a shot!  Thanks for reading!  Bye!

Sunday 18 March 2012

Ben Cruachan - more inspiration

Today I had the best of walks up another of my favourite mountains, Ben Cruachan.  Ben Cruachan is a remarkable mountain, not least because it is known as "the hollow mountain."  Years ago, an electricity company dug out a vast portion of it's inside and installed a massive hyrdo-electrical plant to produce a large amount of electricity through the power of water.
I also found some more inspiration for my story, Worlds of Wonder.  If you've read The 13th Doorway you will know that a certain baddie becomes trapped and today, I found him and his prison.  Read on to find out more!

My walk started early and in mist, but I knew I would soon rise above the low cloud which lingered over Loch Awe.  When I emerged from the clouds, I was met with a wonderful view.
Truly beautiful.

I've only ever seen two Brocken Spectres in my life.  Today, I was priviledged to see my 3rd.  A brocken spectre can only occur when you are standing in sunlight while your shadow is cast onto cloud below you.  Here is the result.

Here is a close up - it's like being able to see your own aura!
It's quite a magical effect.

I soon came to Cruachan Dam wall, which holds back a reservoir of water used in electricity production.  It's an impressive feat of engineering.
I continued upwards and the views opened up behind me. Loch Awe is very beautiful.
I had to climb up some snowy sections today and then a very rocky section to get the summit.  As Worlds of Wonder is set partly in a mountainous world, Beinnarduum, I was able to think of scenes and pictured my characters interacting and getting into bother while ascending their own mountains.
Summit view.
A very happy me on the summit.
There were a couple of tricky sections after the summit and I had to put on my microspikes to cross some banks of snow.  On the way down, I took this photo of the ridge I used to ascend the mountain.
I love the contrasts in that picture.
I wandered down, happy as can be.  I'm always looking around for things I could use in my book.... and then I came to this old, gnarled tree.
At first I thought there was a doorway hidden in its base.
Then I realised something.  There is a bright, circular light emanating from within - you can see it on the picture.  This tree surely has to hold some life force.....
I looked upwards and could almost see the face of Mahasanyatu screaming at me from within.  The tree looks like it's some ancient evil being....take a look.
I could hear him, plotting his escape, plotting the demise of Mark, Megan and Andrew, plotting the end of time itself........
Don't worry.... I know it's fiction.... or is it??? :)
My last picture shows the sun shining over Loch Awe as I neared the end of my walk.
After all, light always winds in the end.......

A  wonderful day out, taking 6 and a half hours.  Hope you liked it and now, I'm off to write some more of my book! :)

Wednesday 15 February 2012

Writing and Inspiration

I get a tremendous amount of inspiration for writing from my interests.  This week, I have written several thousand words of the sequel to The 13th Doorway, called Worlds of Wonder.  One of the worlds the main characters visit is a mountainous world, full of deep valleys and fantastically high, steep sided hills with narrow ridges linking summits.  This all comes from my own love of hillwalking and my own experiences of Scottish mountains.  One of my favourite ridge walks is the Aonach Eagach ridge in Glencoe.  It's a dangerous walk with no safe passage off except at either end.  If the earth were to shake violently while on the ridge, for example (hint, hint) then someone could fall off and be in serious peril.

This is me on the Aonach Eagach last year.  You can see me at the end of "the Chancellor."

It's great fun writing about things you love.  I am also heavily into the science of Space and Time.  The main plot of Worlds of Wonder is about saving a world where time has gone badly wrong.  I am having to do a lot of research into theories about wormholes in space, distances between suns etc.  Then I have to try and simplify those theories so that the storyline is suitable for a young adult reader.  The great thing is - I am learning new things as I do some research.

I'm also a bit of a maths geek (well I am a maths teacher). There are two maths puzzles in The 13th Doorway and there will be more in Worlds of Wonder.  Last night I was writing a sequence set in a world where evolution has gone unchecked for a few billion years and, as you can imagine, the creatures on this planet are very advanced.  There are thirty of them lined up in a semi-circle, each working at a terminal.  The head of the team sits slightly forward of the thirty, inbetween the 15th and 16th member of the group.  I've named him Medius.  Can anyone tell me why that is a very suitable name? :)

Looking forward to doing some more writing later - and finding out some more secrets of the Universe!

D J Shaw 15/2/12